会話で覚える TOEIC L&Rテスト 上級英単語1500
◆ Introduction
To the TOEIC Student, welcome to this vocabulary text. We are excited that you have embarked upon your journey to improve your business English and are honored that you have included us in this effort. As a background note we thought you would like to know the breadth and depth of the work that went into creating this program. With extensive knowledge and experience with TOEIC® (all four skills) tests we reached out and conducted extensive work to supplement this knowledge.
Our team worked with computational linguists to come up with a large list of appropriate vocabulary for this project. Business English is very dynamic. Our goal was to select words in commonuse today with an eye on the future. From this much larger list, the team in our USA offices chose the final words in collaboration with the publishing team at Toshin Books in Japan. Finally, stories were created using this vocabulary in context. Listening to these stories will help you increase your vocabulary and listening comprehension in English, which will improve your scores on the TOEIC® test.
We wish you well on your journey to improving your business English and much success in all your career endeavors.
Dr. Philip Tabbiner