第7回 TOEIC(R)スピーキングテスト対策 -Part6-
TOEIC スピーキングテスト Part6 チャレンジ問題 (準備時間:15秒、解答時間:60秒)Some people provide their children with cell phones while they are in elementary school, but others think that is too early for a child to have a cell phone. Who do you think is right and why? ※実際のテストではディレクションが示された後(音声も流れます)、問題が画面に表示され、ナレーターが問題を読み上げます。 【解答例】 I think that it is alright for a schoolchild to have a cell phone. Firstly, parents can use it to call the child, so they can always know where their child is. Secondly, when I was a child, if I got lost or got into trouble, I would call home on a pay phone. I knew that I could always find a pay phone on a street corner or in a restaurant or subway station. These days, public telephones have disappeared. Once a child begins going places alone, a phone is necessary for emergencies. However, in school, I think all cell phones should be locked away and only given back at the end of the school day. So for safety reasons and to keep in touch with family members, I think it is OK to give a child a cell phone. |